Need Help?
Do you Sell properties?
We provide corporate housing via a lease or short-term rental to traveling medical (e.g. nurses) and business professionals.
Are you REALTORS™?
Avenew Property Solutions is a real estate investment and solution company. We are property specialists that work to identify apartments, condos, or homes that traveling professionals and the like.
I still have questions!
Contact us with your question and we’ll be happy to assist you! Email us at info@avenewproperty.com or Call us right now at 317-318-8787.
What will your service cost me?
Nothing! We do not charge you any fees to discuss your situation or locate one of our available properties to lease/rent. You only pay for the contract lease/rental fees.
Is my information kept confidential?
ABSOLUTELY 100%! Your privacy is of the utmost importance to us. Any information you provide is completely confidential! If you want to deal with a reliable, reputable company who will treat you with professionalism, understanding, and respect – YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE